Happy Holidays, Friend!
We hope your solstice was a bright one. The holidays can be a hard time of year for many in our community, and with so many people separated from their families (chosen or otherwise) this year, we wanted to share some extra love with you. Read on for some special holiday treats!
Octavia of Earth, Vol. 2 Update

Holidays in Space: your new rewatch tradition?
Last year, we put together a variety special called Holidays in Space, featuring our own core team members Adrian Jazz Applin, Erica Dunkle, and Anand Jay Kalra, plus special guests Skip the Needle, Coco Buttah, Voices: Lesbian A Cappella for Justice, and Jose e. Abad. You can relive all the music, joy, and laughter thanks to the miracle of the interwebs. Click the image below for a playlist of all of the songs, kicking off with Adrian’s timeless parody of Mariah Carey with “All I Want is Christmas in Space”.

Finally, our fundraising campaign to support Octavia of Earth, Vol. 2 is going strong, thanks to you! We’re currently $74 away from meeting our benchmark goal to reach $4,000 by Christmas Day, so we can stay on track to hit $5k by the end of the year. Can you help us get there? Here’s that link again.
Thank you for reading this far, supporting our work in ways big and small, and above all, for being part of our community.
Ho ho ho,
Adrian, Anand, & Erica
Uncaged Library Core Team