Ho ho ho, Friend!
Okay, I know Christmas is over and Kwanzaa is in full swing already, but I just love playing Santa. Got some more goodies for you today!

VOICES from the past
Last year for the holidays, our friends at Voices: Lesbian A Cappella for Justice recorded a beautiful and tender rendition of the Latvian lullaby, “Vine Vinetas”. We remixed their recording into a video for our Equinox show, and thought you might like to see it this time of year, when so many of us are missing our loved ones. Click the image below to see the video for Vine Vinetas as part of a playlist of the songs from A Very Marianas Equinox.

Fundraising Update! 80% to our end-of-year goal!
We’ve met each of our benchmarks so far! We hit $4,001 on Christmas Eve and are now at $4,071, looking towards our goal to hit $5k by Friday!
Can you help us close the year strong financially?
If so, please make a tax-deductible donation of any amount to our GoFundMe.
Can you help us share the good news with a bigger community?
If so, please comment on Anand’s facebook post about the project, or share our work with loved ones who need the joy of our work in their lives by forwarding them this email or texting the link to our GoFundMe page.
Thank you as always for reading this far, supporting our work in ways big and small, and for sharing your hearts with us.
Adrian, Anand, & Erica
Uncaged Library Core Team