Thank you for being part of our community! We’re so grateful to announce that we made our end-of-year fundraising goal and then some! We were aiming for $5,000, and we currently have $5,387 in our GoFundMe

Thank goodness we’re starting 2022 off with a strong start. There’s a happy start for four of you, too. Here are the winners of the Sistah SciFi gift cards: 

– JD D. 
– Nancy S. 
– Candace M. 
– Pam S. 

Congrats to the lucky winners, and thank you all for your support!

Octavia of Earth, Volume 2 update 

The six new tracks from Skip the Needle are getting mixed and mastered and will be ready for your ears soooooon. In the meantime, here’s a behind-the-scenes magic moment from the control room at Bird and Egg Studio in Richmond, CA from the recording sessions in December. In this pic, Nino Moschella runs the control room while Vicki Randle and Kofy Brown work on harmonies for “Manifest Destiny / Breakout”. Anand and band members Shelley Doty & Katie Cash hung out in the control room during this take and got an earful of pure love.

Much love, 

Adrian, Anand, & Erica 

Uncaged Library Core Team